The Only Guide to Picking Up
Girls that Leads to
and Makes Girls Chase YOU!
Get Access to the Legendary Underground Pickup Handbook that’s Sold Over 4,000 Copies Despite NEVER Having Been Available in Physical Bookstores, on Amazon.com, or Anywhere Else Online!
You know what the BIGGEST hurdle for most guys is in picking up women?
It’s not that girls don’t WANT to be picked up… they do…
Every girl — from the raunchiest “bad girl” to the shiest, most conservative girl alive — fantasizes about being swept off her feet by a mysterious stranger (or a well-known friend-turned-rogue!).
Every girl dreams of that DAY when a guy comes along who just says and does exactly the right things… Things that cause that sense of burning, irrepressible desire in her… A desire so strong it carries her helplessly on into a fantastic “romantic adventure”… And makes her do what she’d do with NO other guy: start chasing him…
The challenge is that women spend most of their lives “programmed” to be good citizens, students, and worker bees, with the romantic side of them totally switched off.
Every guy’s had dates he’s gone on where he and the girl just did NOT connect… no matter what he said or did.
Yet it’s not that she’s “frigid”…
It isn’t that she’s “a robot”…
Rather, it’s something ELSE altogether.
Want to know WHAT it is that causes women to be so “tuned out”, so seemingly disinterested when you talk to them or go on dates?
Want to know the SECRET to getting girls not just tuned into you, but actually, actively CHASING you?
Then, my Friend, read on…
You Can’t Make Girls Chase with that Same Dusty,
Old “Long-Term Courtship” Approach!

These two strategies are aptly named
- Short-term mating (i.e., hookups, one-night stands, and flings), and
- Long-term mating (i.e., boyfriends, fiancés, and marriage)
Women after short-term mates look for VERY different qualities than those who’re after long-term.
And here’s the thing: girls don’t CHASE those long-term guys.
It doesn’t look very becoming for his future wife to do the chasing, after all.
They only chase sexy short-term guys.
If you want to get girls chasing you, you must flip her into “short-term mating” mode!
However, there’s a catch…
The qualities that make men compelling long-term mates aren’t sexy AT ALL for short-term flings!
If you’ve ever watched a friend, or a brother, or a cousin who always had girls chasing after him, you’ve seen it in action:
He walks up to girls, talks to them in this sort of way you NEVER would if you were trying to get a long-term girlfriend… later on, you notice girls SEEK him OUT, or even start COMPETING for him amongst themselves… later still, he’s ‘picked a winner’ among them, who ends up at his place with her undergarments off while he works his bedroom sorcery.
Then, if he really likes her, he switches his strategy a SECOND time and six months later they’re still together, her now a loyal, devoted girlfriend.
They might even end up MARRIED with kids… with her STILL chasing him inside the marriage (so their relationship never gets stale the way your other friends’ marriages do)… and you’re still scratching your head, wondering how he even got that “out of his league” girlfriend in the first place, not to mention how he got her to CHASE him and KEEP chasing him.
All he can tell you with a shrug though is, “I don’t know, man. Just don’t be too pushy with girls! Let THEM do the chasing!”
Like THAT helps!
So how’d he do it?
What’s this SECRET some men know to get girls chasing them that so many others don’t?
It’s a secret that allows a guy to make girls ‘starstruck’ in his presence… to get girls following around after him… to get them CHASING him… and to have them so firmly flipped out of ‘long-term mode’ that they don’t even mind that they’re the pursuers instead of him.
It doesn’t matter if a guy like this wants a girlfriend or even a wife.
He KNOWS that if he can get her to chase him, then into his bedchambers, she’s his.
That’s not all though: ANY guy can do this… ANY guy can be “the short-term guy” … and any guy can make girls chase.
The way to do it is with three simple rules you’ll want to put into action with women today.
First Off: Who’s This Guy
Chase Amante?

Howdy there, my name’s Chase Amante.
If this is the first time we’re meeting, well, you’re on the web’s most popular men’s dating advice site — one I founded in 2008, and which has since received over 64 million visitors.
At various points, we’ve ranked among the top 20,000 most visited websites in the world.
My specialty is in not just picking up girls (and I am very good at that), but in getting girls to chase.
This latter thing I’ve been doing since junior high, when I had an entire squad of cheerleaders pestering me for dates.
Half the squad cornered me in the bleachers in gym class one day just to ask me out. The head cheerleader — the hottest, most popular girl in school — spent months chasing me down, and in high school I had more girls (from other cheerleaders to sexy punk and emo chicks) trying to get me onto dates.
I studied pick up under several of the world’s leading pick up artists during and after my university years, and apprenticed under the founder of “natural game.” After watching him pick up BEAUTIFUL girls on the street and on park benches and sleep with them within hours, I began doing the same.
I’ve lived on the East Coast of the US, the West Coast of the US, and outside the US too. I’ve picked up women in dozens of countries; the method I perfected to get girls chasing is one I’ve taught to men in 96 different countries. I have ringing endorsements from Norway to Peru to Singapore to Saudi Arabia (that latter the most restrictive country in the world for dating). This stuff works everywhere.
In some ways, I guess, I’m a bit of an outlier. I certainly can’t say my life has been ORDINARY.
Nevertheless, at Girls Chase I’ve created a website FILLED with resources aimed at “ordinary” men (while also still serving outlier guys too, if they want it) that THEY can use to get girls.
Our audience here is rabid… they love our stuff.
They love it because it WORKS!
Right now, you are reading THE page for THE book that started it all — the “how to” guide that launched this website to the stratosphere; without which I wouldn’t have even bothered sticking around all these years helping millions of men.
This manual, which I’m about to tell you about, has changed the lives of THOUSANDS of men, and served as a priceless catalyst for them in understanding women, getting women to chase them, and bedding them (by the dozens or more. Sometimes much more!).
So, read on — and let me tell you about the rules.
Rule #1
Girls Chase Men Who
Are Valuable

It’s in every red pill manosphere video, article, or forum post ever created.
Girls want the VALUABLE man.
But what’s that MEAN?
If you listen to the red pill manosphere guys, it means three things:
- Money
- Muscles
- Status
The red pill manosphere brands itself as “contrary” to the mainstream. But what’s the MAINSTREAM say men need to excel with girls? Why it’s…
- A good job (money)
- A healthy lifestyle (muscles)
- Respect in their community (status)
They’re both telling men the same exact things!
So I’ll tell you this, right now: you can be a jacked Adonis with $10 million in the bank, beloved by his community, and STILL have girls “slow gaming” you for that long-term boyfriend role…
Meanwhile, these same girls will be sneaking out at night and having illicit liaisons with guys like me, my friends, and the students I teach!
Clearly, girls still want value in their short-term flings…
A guy must have SOME value for a girl to want him, chase him, and let him pick her up…
But what KIND of value — well, that’s where both the mainstream and the red pill manosphere guys don’t have a clue!
Rule #2
Girls Chase Men Who
Are Attainable

No, you wouldn’t think about that… You wouldn’t even WANT it… Because you’re NOT a billionaire, and attending the WEF does not feel “in reach”!
People want things they believe they can actually attain…
It’s why you get a LOT more hot and bothered over that cutie barista at the Starbucks than you do some hottie actress at the movies.
Sure, the actress might be HOTTER or SEXIER… but she’s also a lot less attainable to you than the coffee shop girl!
The coffee shop girl is one you think you maybe could get.
What if I told you many of the girls YOU talk to don’t regard you as “attainable”?
What if — for one reason or another — when they talk to you, they don’t believe they’ll get the relationships they want?
That could mean:
- A girl who wants a fast, fun, no-strings hookup… but gets the feeling you’re after something long-term and would get too clingy if she knocked boots with you.
- A girl who desires an ongoing friends with benefits… but worries you’re after something more serious than she is, leading to “uncomfortable conversations” she doesn’t want.
- A girl who’s looking for a long-term relationship… but feels like you wouldn’t give her the relationship she’s looking for, so shuts you out.
Every guy puts out “vibes” about what he’s looking for, whether he realizes it or not.
Girls PICK UP on these vibes… they are MASTERS at it… and if the vibes aren’t right, the guy is OUT.
Not because they don’t like him…
Rather, it is because they feel like they cannot attain what they WANT with him!
Rule #3
Girls Chase Men Who
Make Them Comply

They are really, really good at it.
What’s that mean, a “master of compliance”?
It means a guy who knows how to make a girl INVEST.
He can make her invest over, and over, and more, and more, getting more and more roped into the pickup… More and more roped into him…
… To the point she just DOESN’T want to leave the guy at all.
Everyone from statesman-inventor Benjamin Franklin to lauded psychologist Robert Cialdini talks about how TRANSFORMATIVE the power of compliance is on other people.
Once you get someone to comply, you can lead her almost anywhere.
Yet what do most guys do?
They do all the complying THEMSELVES!
They pick up girls in their cars, drive them around, buy them food, buy them drinks, buy them tickets to shows, hold doors, offer their coats, and do all sorts of things girls ask them to.
The more of this stuff the guy does for the girl, the more invested HE becomes, and the more committed to the courtship HE is… but it doesn’t have any effect upon HER!
What gets girls hooked into a guy — so hooked they start to CHASE?
When you get them to invest… and make them comply!

When girls meet a high value man, whom they feel like they can get, who ALSO gets them to follow him around like the Pied Piper…
Things get wild.
Girls CHASE that guy.
It’s not because of what he looks like. Girls chase short guys and ugly guys who do this too.
It’s not because of how much money he has. Girls chase guys who are stone broke who do this.
It’s not because of any social status he has. Girls chase guys who are nobodies who do this.
It’s because that LETHAL combination — high value, balanced attainability, and high investment — makes girls chase.
Just picture it: you approach a good-looking girl, exuding “high value” from your pores…
The instant you speak to her, you give her the sense that yes, she CAN get you… If just barely…
Then, in seconds, you begin to ask her to do favors for you that make her invest more and more…
This girl gets SO into you.
She’s STARSTRUCK… even if you’re a “nobody”…
She starts CHASING you…
She starts doing more and more, completely on her own, to hook herself into you…
Do you know how EASY it is to chat up girls, set up dates, pick them up, even have single-night flings and sparkling new relationships when those girls are chasing you?
Well, I’ll tell you:
It’s EASY!
WAY easier than when you do the chasing…
So if you’ve been watching ‘man advice’ videos where the ‘guru’ is telling you it’s the man’s role to chase, that women always stay in that passive role, that the best thing you can do is go up and ‘shoot your shot’ and let HER decide if she’s going to accept or reject you…
Well, ‘man role’ or not, just know that there is a much, MUCH better way.
The Method that’s Transformed THOUSANDS of Men’s Lives…
The “3 rules” method I lay out in How to Make Girls Chase has totally revolutionized the romantic lives of thousands of men.
It’s given them dates, lovers, relationships, and even marriages with girls so attractive as women and so awesome as people that they can’t stop talking about it.
What’s more, it’s even caused THESE girls — girls my readers used to think were out of their leagues — to chase THEM.
Just take a look at what some of them have to say:

Chase, I followed your articles and book as best as I could.... and things TOTALLY worked out! I got together with this girl on the FIRST NIGHT, and I had known her maybe a DAY. I had no idea things could move so fast if you just make every action one that moves things forward.
Thanks, Chase, for all the help. I certainly wouldn't have made any moves or gotten this far without your book.
Drew S
Macedonia, Ohio, United States

I'm pretty much killing it now thanks to your book... had a couple flings and what may become an LTR now and the girl just can't get enough of me. I still get soft sometimes but I've gotten pretty good at recognizing and passing sh!t tests and keeping my value above hers... and my body language is AWESOME (she's said as much).
So thank you man. Really.
M. S.
Iowa, United States

Chase , I remember reading your book on an airplane. I had barely spoken to girls in my life, then I deep dived the girl next to me. It was like you had just taught me what an elevator was after years of me thinking they were all closets... and all you have to do is press this button here to get it moving.
Francis S.
Windsor, Ontario, Canada

I've been reading your website ever since I first stumbled upon “How to Text a Girl” using Google search engine. I have seen results and success starting the beginning of the year when I found it. After having great success with your website I figure I'd get the book to see how you put it all together. I just wanna say thanks a LOT man. My mannerism and approach to women changed after I finished reading the book. I've had a good deal of social experience but just needed something to tie it all together. The BEST part was that I could start out on intermediate level things with a decent amount of ease. I've already gained another lover in the past week since I bought your ebook. I don’t know how many guys would say thanks but for a guy that was shooting in the wind with hit or miss strategies and getting lucky...you really helped.
Keep up the good work and I'll be looking forward to more of your reads.
D. W.
Georgia, United States

The book showed me a LOT of parallels that could be drawn... Your breakdown of the techniques was well done and enabled me to look at how I interact with women now and in the past. I can now see why I did so well... and sometimes not. While I'm very happily married, the techniques (and those of mine that I've realized and enhanced with your information), have accented my abilities in business and in everyday situations dealing with women. Nice work and THANK YOU for such a well laid-out manual.
R. M.
California, United States

I had a serious inferiority complex and anxiety issues when it came to approaching/dating girls. I read “How to Make Girls Chase” and used a lot of things I learned from it. Now I am dating at least once a week and it is me who is rejecting the girls. My problem before was not recognizing that girls too have insecurities; now I can make them qualify themselves for me. Once I got that in, it has been amazing.
Aaron Shane
Washington, D.C., United States

Your ideas about framing, attainability and indicators as to whether you aren’t attainable enough or too attainable has propelled my game… from “stuck in an intermediate and inconsistent level” to a level far more consistent — one where I can diagnose a lot of what I'm doing right and wrong in and after the interaction. I look forward to an update or sequel to 'How to Make Girls Chase', because it's the best single resource on seduction available.
Liam M.
Brisbane, Australia

Growing up, I was pretty clueless with women. I found Girls Chase in high school when I was trying to figure out how to get out of the friend zone. I was always seen as the nice guy. I had no experience and was not confident around girls at all. Chase's ebook, the articles on Girls Chase, and the forum all turned things around for me. Fast forward a few years and I'm a different man. I'm much more confident and comfortable around women, and I'm able to attract women like I never was able to before. Chase's work is incredible and I appreciate everything he's done.
Kaleb T.
Chicago, Illinois, United States

I am from Nairobi, Kenya. People from other parts of the world may think that Africa is a jungle but they are d@mn wrong. Chase Amante literally saved my life 6 years ago. People used to walk all over me, girls friend-zoned me brutally regardless of how nicely I treated them. I got really bitter and resentful toward all women. No one around me seemed to provide any useful advice. I turned to google. The first article I came across was 12 Traits All Boring, Unsexy Nice Guys Have in Common . I didn’t finish that article; it was talking about me. Over time though I became comfortable with reading cold truths. I began to understand that women were not the problem, I was the problem all along. I highly recommend Chase's book; How to Make Girls Chase. It is a Bible for me.
Kinyumi Kayla
Nairobi, Kenya

From Chase's website, I learned a lot of tips that made common sense. It is very hard to find real and honest tips from the Internet that are not bullsh!t or only aim to rip you off. The appeal of dating women lies in charm and honesty. Chase demonstrates through his content that he has both. I have been on 10 new dates since reading Chase's book.
Simon W.
Aachen, Germany

How to Make Girls Chase changed my mindset into realising I needed to improve my fundamentals and change the dynamic to her chasing me. Since discovering Girls Chase I am having more fun out on dates, not overly sharing vulnerabilities, getting girls talking more, being playful, and spending more nights with women.
Michael G.
London, United Kingdom

I'm a guy in college. I was always researching how to improve my dating life, so I read so many other things that made me believe funny is the key to being attractive. When girls hooked, I tried hard to be funnier, only to end up to making myself a clown. Once I tired of being the clown I looked for more material and found Chase's book. When I read it changed my whole understanding about how attraction works. Now I actually get my date to turn into something more, and I’m getting lots of compliments from women too.
Like H.

I've always really wanted to have the skill of being good with women, and just being a more magnetic person. I was decent at best with girls and a few lays from time to time prior to finding Girls Chase. Maybe a couple girls I would see more than a few times. No serious girlfriends. I always used to blow it (self-sabotage) or things would fizzle, and I had no clue what to do. I stumbled on Girls Chase 2ish years ago and the material I discovered here changed my entire game and perspective. Not only did my dating fundamentals improve right away, I also got A LOT more attention from girls than I ever did before completely naturally. I got the How to Make Girls Chase ebook. I realized pretty quick what I'd been doing wrong (no backbone, big inner game issues, no edge or excitement). My results exploded once I implemented GC. I started easily attracting girls that before I would have just drooled over from afar, just by being the improved, polished version of who I already was! This stuff is so amazing, you'd be a fool to not help yourself to this transformative process.
Griffin S.
San Diego, California, United States

I'm 50 years old, and I felt like I lost the window for the current generation of women who feel sexual freedom. I mean, who really wants a 50-year-old woman, unless he's in his seventies? This really changed when I learned how to talk to younger women. One day, I had to borrow a friend's notebook computer, and he still had your site open to girlschase.com. I couldn't stop reading! He also had several Girls Chase books in his documents folder, so I read them also. Chase Amante changed my whole world. It's not just about one date. It's about changing your whole mindset when it comes to banter.
Paul B.
St. Louis, Missouri, United States

I wanted to get good with girls and this website started me off with the first article I read ‘What Women Want’ back in 2013. I was good with women, but I wanted to understand women more psychologically. I had been with about 10 women before Girls Chase, but I had weight issues that hindered me from getting into commitments with women. I improved my fundamentals and suddenly girls were checking me out left and right. I got How to Make Girls Chase, then How to Text Girls, then One Date, and they've all helped tremendously, from understanding women's minds, my style, relationships, and concrete mindsets that will last with me for a lifetime.
Suliman T.

Hi Chase,
I just had to take a minute and thank you for this website. I think it is absolutely AMAZING, and it has changed my life in so many ways. I used to be very insecure about myself, and well, women in general.
Reading your book, following your blog and putting all these things into practise, I found out girls are MUCH more receptive of me than I ever thought possible.
After just a couple of months I am able to get a fair amount, and STEADY success with women. For example, yesterday I managed to do my first 5 minute bar pull. All I had to do was pull the girl in, she tried to kiss me, and I used the “Not here” example from your book. Her response was telling me to get her out of there... and I did.
A big thank you from a VERY happy reader.
T. S.
London, United Kingdom

Girls Chase is the BEST online resource center that provides the MOST comprehensive resources - free or paid - for men to learn seduction and become a more attractive man. I’ve been able to get with ~10 new girls in the past 2 years. How to Make Girls Chase is REALLY good, anyone who wants a solid foundation MUST get it.
Bengi K.
United States
Presenting the Book with “The Method” In-the-Know Men Use to Get Scandalously Hot Girls Chasing THEM for Flings and Romance!

How to Make Girls Chase.
(I call it “HTMGC” for short)
The ONLY book that hands you ironclad techniques & the method to cause girls to CHASE YOU.
Men have passed this tome around in dark corners of the Internet as the “ultimate guide” to excelling with girls for over a decade…
It’s long stood as a pillar of the highest rated how-to guides to girl-getting among THOUSANDS of other books and trainings on date-training review sites.

Despite how entire this book is, the method contained within it is simple and to-the-point.
ANY man can learn to use it with women… EVEN IF:
- He struggles to know what to talk about with girls.
- He feels like he doesn’t lead a very interesting life.
- He’s gone a long time without lovers, dates, or even talking to women.
The method you will find inside How to Make Girls Chase works SO well because it relies on those three rules of what makes women chase:
- VALUE that women simply have to have
- ATTAINABILITY that lets them feel they can have it
- COMPLIANCE that gets them acting & following as they pursue it
Taken together, we call this ‘VAC’ — value, attainability, and compliance.
With HTMGC & VAC in your corner, making girls chase you gets EASY.
You’re Not Allowed to Buy
This Book IF…

BEFORE I do, I want to make absolutely clear who I DON’T want buying the book.
Because while this method is GREAT for most men, it is not for everybody…
Here’s who I do not want buying this book:
- Guys who want to use it for “nefarious purposes.” Look, I’m not going to tell you you have to marry every girl who blows a kiss at you. I’m totally fine with men hooking up. What I DON’T want is guys using this to get girls chasing them they are just “toying around” with… or to get girls totally obsessed with them whom they aren’t actually serious about. If you just want a quick fling with her, it’s okay to make her chase a bit for it; but if you’re hooking girls wildly, desperately in only to “inflate your ego”, this book is not for you.
- Guys who are totally committed “nice guys.” I don’t want to waste anyone’s time here. In this book, I am going to ask — nay, TELL you — to get girls doing stuff for you. A LOT of stuff for you! So if your approach to life is “I have to serve women; I really have to do everything I can for women. Women should never lift a finger for me”, and you’re unwilling to change that to get girls chasing, then I’m sorry to say but this is not the right book for you.
- Guys who are thinking about other guys non-stop. I know there are a lot of man gurus out there talking about how “It’s all about looks-money-status, bro!” Or maybe just one of those. Maybe it’s all about looks! Maybe it’s all about money! Whatever! I’ll be honest: I don’t care too much about any of those. This book tells you how to improve your appearance to be sufficiently attractive to get whatever girl you want. And with VAC you’re basically reverse engineering status, even if you don’t really have status in a particular group or venue (yet). But really, I mean… it’s hard to care about how chiseled your jaw is or how many zeroes are in your bank account when your phone is blowing up with really hot girls desperate to get you onto dates or come over to your place. So if you’re really focused on how other dudes are doing (like how rich guy ABC is, or how good-looking dude DEF is, or whatever), this book is just going to be the wrong wavelength for you… because the ONLY thing we care about here is putting more girls in your phone, onto dates with you, and between your sheets.
Now, if you are NOT one of those guys, and you would like to get the choicest girls in your city or town chasing after you, wrapped around your little finger (because they’re just so compliant to you now), then read on…
What You Will Find Inside How to
Make Girls Chase
Let’s take a look at what you will learn inside HTMGC…
- A dead-simple way to get past “approach anxiety.” Start doing this and it gets easy to summon new women into your life. — pg. 3
- Why you’re PROBABLY talking too much to women… and how to get women chasing you by saying less (plus: how talking about yourself too much and “being too funny” in fact sabotages men’s seductions — so quit doing it!). — pg. 86
- What the three (3) kinds of compliance are… and which to use to make women committed to pursuing you (this lets you RAMP UP their attraction sky-high!). — pg. 146
- A straightforward process to move quickly from repartee (an early part of the seduction) to rapport (a later part). This is crucial to know, because men who spend too long in the “teasing phase” or bantering around usually end up going home ALONE. — pg. 63
- How to cut your dates short (or even skip them entirely) and get girls running to your place FAST… so you can avoid having to spend lots of time or money on dating. — pg. 280
- The two (2) kinds of value — and why the kind most men try to show puts women OFF (with How to Make Girls Chase, you’ll start using the type of value women THIRST for!). — pg. 114
- What the “tension gap” is, and how failing to overcome it makes interactions with women really awkward (causing men who are beginners to LOSE so many girls they should have got!). — pg. 251
- How to leverage the “awesome power” of Social Momentum to meet new girls in a hurry. Social Momentum doesn’t only get you lots of numbers, dates, and lovers, either; it makes you so compelling that women start to chase. — pg. 34
- The art of “pre-opening”: a rejection-proofing strategy that warms girls up to talking with you before you ever say a word to them. You MUST know this if you EVER talk to girls in-person at all! — pg. 50
- The “Boyfriend Dead Zone”: why girls who think you want to be their boyfriends will NOT chase you… and what to do to avoid the “Boyfriend Dead Zone” and get the girl (yes, you can even use this to make her your girlfriend, IF you want!). — pg. 332
- My secret to get women investing in and chasing you the MOMENT you meet them (this makes them stick around and get to know you you more from the outset, rather than “go back to their friends” or say goodbye). — pg. 143
- The Law of Least Effort, a universal “human interaction law” that underlies ALL of interpersonal social power… with the Law of Least Effort in your corner, you WILL be cool, and girls can’t help but chase… yet you must get the Law right (so many casual students misunderstand how to use it — it’s all laid out inside HTMGC). — pg. 25
- How to make moves in the bedroom that draw girls to your sheets or even get them going “au naturel” and tackling you themselves… with this escalation method you can kiss “goodbye” to disappointing pulls that don’t end in intimacy. Once you start doing this, girls will refuse to even LEAVE your place until you’ve satisfied them! — pg. 361
- Two “right there with me”, incredibly detailed reports where I walk you through a couple of my own pick ups… from the first approach to getting the girls to chase me to taking them home to “seal the deal.” See exactly how it all works, laid out end-to-end, open to close, so you can easily put all the pieces together. — pg. 382
… and more.
With THIS tome in hand, not only will girls chase you… you’ll have trouble getting a moment alone!

If THAT doesn’t get you excited for what’s to come, you don’t have a pulse!
And it all costs…
(Drum roll please)
No, not $500 (though it really should… I’m serious).
Not $200.
Not even $100!
No… if you buy How to Make Girls Chase TODAY, and secure this unmatched “get girls chasing you” method in your hands right now, it’ll be yours to own for ONLY
Let me just tell you, that is a STEAL for the effect this book will have on your life.
You might not realize it now… Yet this book is one that is going to set you on a new and better path with women that transforms even the way you see yourself… in amazing ways you CAN’T predict right now…
Snag HTMGC Today and Get THESE
Awesome Bonuses…
When you pick up your copy of HTMGC, you’ll ALSO get these gnarly bonuses:
- Slow Opening: discover a uniquely laid back way to talk to girls in bars, cafés, class, work, or almost anywhere else. Want an under-the-radar way to open her (and NEVER worry about someone yelling “harassment!”)? Slow opening’s the way. I’ve used it to chat up girls for one-night flings — and even a future girlfriend. Heaps of men have written me to describe their successes JUST from slow opening alone. This compact guide arms you with a handy way to open a girl that feels so natural she won’t even realize you’re picking her up… until she’s in your arms…
- Seduction Sensei, Volume 1: the first volume in the short-lived but very popular program Seduction Sensei. Listen as I coach a student through real-life romantic questions, such as making your conversations punchier and more concise, streamlining dates to make things go smoother, what the risks are if you get TOO valuable for girls, easy ways to get girls to do more of the talking (so you can just “kick back”), a breakdown of an interaction with a specific girl a student met inside a van, reliable ways to build up confidence and “inner game”, and more.
These come FREE with your purchase today.
You’ll ONLY find them here.

100% Unconditional Money-Back
90-Day Guarantee
“What if I start reading and it’s just not for me?” — Some Guy
Well, let me tell you what — if that happens, you’re completely covered.
Starting from the instant you buy, you’ve got ninety (90) full days to test drive the material from the book. You can start doing Homework #1 the FIRST day.
I suggest you take at least two weeks to try the material out and go through the homework assignments. There’s a LOT to do that will get you into gear and get girls chasing YOU!
But take as long as you need… 21 days… 30 days… 60 days… heck, 75 days even…
Try out the material for up to 90 full days.
IF by the end of that period you do NOT have at least 3 or 4 new dates…
If you don’t have at least ONE good-looking girl messaging you trying to meet up…
If you haven’t started seeing more pretty heads turning, and seen more girls sending signals your way…
Just send me an email or give me a call and I’ll shoot you a FULL REFUND.
Your refund is GUARANTEED… for ANY reason.
I have even had “unscrupulous” guys contact me and tell me they loved the book, it’s helped them so much, girls are going CRAZY for them thanks to it… but they need the money now for all the dating they’re doing so they’re asking for a refund. And I HAVE to GIVE it to them because it’s within 90 days! (That’s how “unconditional guarantees” work, after all)
So yeah — when I say “unconditional”, I mean unconditional.
You’re covered.
Don’t even worry about it.
Go test the book out and if you’re not happy within 90 days, just tell me for a full refund.
Let Me Tell You WHY to Buy
Have you ever heard of The Attraction Handbook?
It’s a REALLY good book on picking up girls. It was an early manual for me. It’s not available online anymore and you cannot buy it ANYWHERE. The company that was selling it closed down.
Ever hear of Stripper Secrets?
It’s the best book ever written on picking up strippers. Know where you can find it? NOWHERE — it vanished from the Internet over a decade ago.

They’re completely gone. You can’t buy them anywhere. Faded away into smoke.
I’m going to be totally honest with you: as a business, teaching guys to pick up girls kind of sucks. There aren’t many guys who want to learn this stuff… most are content to stay sitting in front of their phone screens staring at women’s social media wondering why girls aren’t liking their photos or responding to their clever comments.
So what happens over time is the guys who are teaching this stuff sooner or later close up shop and go do something else with their time… something more lucrative.
And alllllll the knowledge they had on picking up girls, and getting girls to chase you, and landing EXACTLY the girl or girls you really, really wanted goes away.
So if you ARE a guy who wants to learn this stuff, you’d better get this today.
When I got into this stuff, there were hundreds of seduction companies, and many of the BEST guides and programs ever created were on the market.
Today there’s a tiny fraction of as many companies, and most of the best products are LONG GONE.
I’m going to keep Girls Chase online as long as I can… I feel like I’m doing a service for men.
But sooner or later this site, like every other site like it before, and the guides and courses on this site, are going to disappear.
When that happens, you won’t be able to buy How to Make Girls Chase anymore.
Remember, it’s not on Amazon.
It’s not at Barnes & Noble.
There’s only ONE place you can buy it:
Right here, on GirlsChase.com.
And when this site’s gone, this peerless method to get girls chasing you goes with it.
So get in now, or regret it when it’s gone.
Click the Button Below to Start Girls
Chasing You Now

What I want you to do next is this:
Click the green button below that says “Make girls chase you today for just $47!”
You’ll go to my secure checkout page, where you’ll fill out your address and payment information.
Then, click the “submit order” button to complete your purchase.
You’ll receive the option to pick up a couple of helpful add-ons to supercharge your progress even further…
After that, just open up your member area, click “Start the Program”, and download your ebook now.
Start reading, internalizing the concepts, and prepare yourself for a vastly different life with women from here on out.
You can even go out and do the first set of homework TODAY if you’re ready to get started.
Your future with women will be in YOUR hands — in just a few short minutes.
I Don’t Want You Stuck Being a
‘Mopey Dope’

The guy who mopes around whining about, “Why can’t I ever get anywhere with girls?”
“Why don’t girls want me?”
“Why are they always going for those OTHER guys?”
The guys who just sit there watching the sands on the hourglass of life run out, while they whine like sad puppies (but far less cute).
THAT is a ‘mopey dope.’
Mopey dopes DON’T buy How to Make Girls Chase.
They DON’T use the material from it to get girls chasing them.
They DON’T put the homework from the book into action to learn this stuff cold.
They just mope about, complaining like a dope, as eligible women in their towns become available, hit the dating scene, flirt, go on dates, then settle into new relationships, only for the cycle to repeat with more single women… then more… then MORE… with these guys ALWAYS ‘self-benched’ on the sidelines.
They miss ‘cycle after cycle’ of single, available, eligible women, all because they’re just too busy being mopey dopes.
And all the while, TIME keeps ticking by.
Time’s the one thing no man can ever get back.
You can make more money. You can even get another girl!
But TIME is irreplaceable.
Life is short, and it goes by faster than we think.
Riddle me this — what sounds better: a melancholy life spent being a lonely ‘mopey dope’…
OR a life filled to bursting with exactly the kind of girls you MOST desire, chasing after YOU?
I know which one I decided *I* wanted, all those years ago.
It’s why I learned the stuff that’s in this book — and why I wrote it all down so it couldn’t be forgotten.
Say “yes” NOW to being the guy women chase (and NOT some tragic ‘mopey dope’!):
Ready to Get Girls Chasing

This has surprised me over the years.
You see, when I wrote How to Make Girls Chase in 2010, I actually thought it was going to be something I threw on a website, sold a few copies of, and then it’d never be heard of again.
This was a book (it might be hard to believe now) I wrote for ME… written to be complete and timeless… because I didn’t intend to still be running this site years from now, and I wanted a compendium of everything I’d learned to do with girls.
I wanted it alllll written down, as timeless and elemental as possible, so that if I ever needed to come back to it years later, or hand to my sons, it’d be there, written in full, as applicable as ever, recorded while I was at the prime of my game.
Well, it’s been over a decade since I published the book… it’s sold 4,000 copies despite never being sold ANYWHERE other than on the Girls Chase website (no Amazon, no Barnes & Noble, no nuthin’!).
Yet, even today, guys still message me to tell me this book is mind-bogglingly good and has changed their games forever.
I’ve released many different programs over the years; some better than others…
Yet How to Make Girls Chase, that book I wrote way back when I didn’t even think I’d be sticking around in this space, continues to be the most beloved thing I’ve ever put out.
I’m pretty certain you’re going to LOVE this book.
The methods inside it transformed my life forever.
They’ve transformed the lives of thousands of men.
I’m confident they’ll transform yours, too.
Take the plunge, and let’s meet in the pages of HTMGC.
Your Friend,
Chase Amante
P.S. Be prepared to feel like a little bit of a d!ck. That’s because once you ‘flip the game’ such that girls start chasing you, the ENTIRE dating dynamic flips with it. You know how girls ghost on you, flake on you, and are just generally unreliable? That’s because they’ve got lots of male options and it’s honestly hard juggling all that. Once YOU’RE the one they’re chasing, YOU become the ‘hot girl.’ You’re now the ghosty/flakey one. Girls start pestering you for dates, wondering why you cancelled and didn’t reschedule, pushing to meet sooner or offering better terms. You start being able to tell girls to come straight over to your place and they just DO — because it’s the only way they can see you! Girls will MOAN about this but still do it anyway. You might start to feel like a tad of an @sshole… but it’s just how it goes when the dynamic flips to girls in pursuit. You don’t just flip one part of dating… you flip it all. So buckle up.
P.P.S. Here’s just a suggestion: once you’re following the method in How to Make Girls Chase, you’re going to start getting a lot more success with girls. In fact, you will probably end up getting with the HOTTEST girl you’ve ever been with. What a lot of guys do when this happens is to INSTANTLY make that new ‘hottest girl ever’ their committed girlfriend. “Gotta lock this rare bird down!” their brains say. Well, I want you to try your best to not do that. Do get with that really hot girl, but DON’T commit. Not yet. Why? Because what “finally doing things right with girls” does for you is to unlock a wholly new dating paradigm. So yes, you will suddenly get a much hotter girl or two… but if you stay at it you will quickly find you get a lot of much hotter girls! Then you can choose a girlfriend from a pool of really desirable girls, which is just way better. It’s a lot better than going with the first super hottie who falls into your lap once you start using the system — because what we’re really talking about here is choice, and choice changes everything.
Frequently Asked Questions
If worse comes to worse, you can always get a refund. We’ve been in business over 15 years. We always issue refunds when people want them (so long as they’re within the refund period… of course! None of those “I need a refund three years later!” shenanigans, please. We actually had a guy try that, believe it or not ?).