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If you could bottle up this ONE
personality trait like a magic potion…

From the World’s Most Visited Website on Men’s Dating

With over 1 MILLION visitors per month
and 9,000 satisfied students…

Some guys are so compelling they get dates, friends, business opportunities, and
more, seemingly without really trying… And to be absolutely sure we knew what it
was, we spent months conducting a scientific analysis on what lets these men charm the socks off almost everybody they meet.

Want to know what we learned?

Why Do Some Guys Have an UNFAIR ADVANTAGE in
This World?

(In Just About EVERYTHING They Do)

Like they were born with a “Special something”…

…That tips the scales in business and in their personal lives (And definitely when it comes to getting more hot dates and lots of sex)...

It’s like these guys don’t even NEED “Game!”

Because this “Special something” blesses everything they touch. And people (Especially women) are DRAWN TO THEM like a magnet!

Other people can’t seem to get ENOUGH of them…

And if they’ve also got a little game and “How to” in their arsenal…

Women seriously THROW themselves at these guys.

What’s this amazing quality? You probably already guessed it…

Everyone Knows CHARISMA Is Like a “Mystical
When it Comes to Attraction!

For those lucky enough to have it…

…Charisma is the most powerful, valuable and identifiable aspect of their personality…


And who couldn’t pick up more girls with some of THAT?

Listen there are other ways to get laid with beautiful women…We teach that practical stuff in our

“One Date” program.

But let’s face it.

Who would bother learning systems like this if they were born

And even for guys who aren’t so lucky BUT at least “A little” Charismatic…

EVERYTHING we teach everywhere else becomes that much more effective.

Because charisma is a “Mega-booster” for any social situation – Especially when it comes to winning with sexy chicks! It makes everything you do MORE POWERFUL.

Imagine this for a moment.

Two guys both approach the same head-turning stunner on the same exact day…Maybe both even manage to get her number and a date.

One guy is very charismatic. The other guy, though, just really isn’t.

They both look the same.

They say and do the same basic stuff.

And have the same pitch and routine…BUT

…This can’t be argued (I’d love to see you try)…

The Guy with Charisma Has an ENORMOUS Edge!

With EVERYTHING he does he gets more slack.

If he makes a mistake… She cuts him more slack…

If she loathes his politics and macho attitude… She cuts him more slack…

If he acts too try-hard …Or gets nervous (Happens to the best of us)… She cuts him more slack…

If he forgets to put on his big boy pants when it’s time to kiss her… More slack…

Even if he’s slept with all her friends…Heck even if her family hates him!... She cuts him slack…

He can completely crash and burn and make a fool of himself… She cuts him MORE slack…

Because when a woman “Likes” a guy…SHE WANTS HIM TO WIN!

And when a woman WANTS a guy to win he can completely blow it and STILL stay in the game.

Of Course Guys Without Charisma can Meet and
Date Beautiful Women too…BUT

…It’s an Uphill Battle

So he better do things as perfectly as possible.

The less charisma you have the more your “Game” MUST be on point…

No mistakes. No getting sloppy.

You have to make the right moves and say the perfect thing more often than not…(If you want to make it to home base)

So basically…

…Your everyday vanilla average joe has to work HARDER than is necessary to makedating work.

Meanwhile a charismatic guy with a sound approach to dating could do an “Okay” job of it yet still get a lot more “Happy Endings”

Not to Mention Charismatic Guys Have Instant Allies
Every Time They Go Out to Pick Up Chicks

For example if a cool guy is out with a group of girls he’ll pull you into his little party if he likes you. And he knows you won’t cramp his style.

If a girl is out with her friends you don’t have to deal with them cock blocking and pulling her away.…

…Instead they become your ALLIES!

They start to go to bat for you. Because they WANT you to have her!

They might even shove her into your arms at the end of the night and TELL you to take her home and bang her brains out! This probably sounds a little crazy if you’ve never experienced anything like it. Well prepare to have your mind blown!

I mean the most Charismatic guys I know ONLY go out alone…

Because when they go out alone…

Great things happen to them. And their less Charismatic friends aren’t there to get in the way…

They instantly meet new people in any bar or club. They just hang out for a while and BOOM they get sucked right into a new social circle without even trying.

Charismatic guys always have the best stories…

Because Charisma puts total strangers on your team!

But If Charisma Is Such a “Force Multiplier” in
Getting Guys Laid Why Don’t More Learn It?

Obviously most guys think Charisma is something you’re born with (Or not)…

…DEFINITELY Not something you can develop…

We hear this from new students all the time. They’re chomping at the bit to learn lines or techniques to pick up more girls…or they hit the gym hard, overhaul their wardrobes, and get a professional haircut.

And that stuff DOES make a difference!

…Yet these same “improvement-oriented” guys see Charisma as an elusive mystery…

It’s total blind spot for them…

It’s why so many aspiringplayboys trade openers and routines online until they’re blue in the face.

Or why they spend years debating high-brow concepts like “Alpha Nature” at length.

Nevertheless, spending tons of time debating “Seduction philosophy” would be a total waste of time for a CHARISMATIC guy…Wouldn’t it?

Instead of doing that he could just be in the field meeting women…reaping the sexual rewards of his “Magnetic Effect” on them already!

The Good News? This “Magnetic Effect” is a Skillset
Any Guy Can Practice…

When you learned handwriting it felt awkward at first…Right?

…But then it became a tool you used without thinking.

When you learned to drive a car…

…It felt clumsy and scary and weird and “Above” you somehow…BUT

When you learned to steer properly and apply the break or gears in the right way…Driving became second nature. You even developed your own special style.

When you learn anything – From driving to using a keyboard to making flirty eye contact with gorgeous girls who intimidate most other men – It always feels awkward and uncomfortable at first.

But the more you perform these unnatural tasks the more INTUITIVE they become. Soon the discomfort disappears. It’s human nature to learn unnatural things until they’re “More” natural.

Charisma can become an effortless part of your behavior as well. A lifelong component of your personality and style of interacting with the world.

In Fact “Students of Charisma” Claim Great Power
and Influence in Our Society

You probably know many by name. Men who purposely developed more compelling personalities and reaped endless rewards…

The most famous men you see pop up in movies again and again (And the audiences never tire of them)…Like Brad Pitt, Sean Connery, Leonardo DiCaprio, Tom Cruise…

And the masters of the political stage…

Who can move mountains with their voice and behavior (Even if they don’t write the speeches themselves)…Men of history like Bill Clinton and John F. Kennedy

No matter what you think of these men they are super compelling characters who carry an “Aura” about them…And men like this do not end up in these roles of power and influence by chance – They get to the top because of their amazing Charisma!

Look even more closely at their backgrounds…

…You find their charisma is very rarely an inborn trait.

It’s a Skill. They’ve BECOME compelling, accomplished people because they are PRACTICED in Charisma.

Can YOU Develop Charisma on Purpose Like These
Spellbinding Men?

It’s crazy how doors swing wide open for the Charismatic man…

Imagine being such a bright light that nobody ever ignored you again…

And people were compelled to give you dates, job promotions and almost anything else you wanted…Whether you asked for it or not…Just so they could be closer to you…

Charisma creates a subconscious desire in people to include you in whatever they’re doing…

That pretty girl at the coffee shop who always ignores you? Once you’re more Charismatic watch how she perks up every time you walk in the door…The obvious flirting, virtually begging for you to ask her out…

…And how the “Cool people” at bars and parties start dragging you into their circles…Breaking the ice with you out of nowhere…

That promotion at work they’ve passed you over twice for now? As long as you haven’t been a complete dead weight in your job…We’ve got “Charismatic Tricks” you can use during the next promotion cycle…

…To ensure you rank near the top of your boss’s list every time…

Or your magnetic personality can allow you to stop waiting on promotions and change jobs whenever you want…

…So you’ll have to CHOOSE whether to stay where you are or take one of the many other opportunities your personal power constantly makes available for you…

How I Stumbled Upon the Weird Psychology of
Charisma (at a Very Young Age)

As you may know I was a nerdy kid. I got teased sometimes sure but mostly other kids just


I was the opposite of Charismatic.

And like most invisible people in this world I just assumed that’s the way things were.

Well one day I performed an accidental experiment that transformed my understanding about likability forever. It was simple really. I just showed up at school with a coat that was unlike anything I’d ever worn before…

And halfway through the day it hit me that the other kids were suddenly including me in their conversations a little more. And just treating me more warmly.

It wasn’t a minor difference – The change was STRIKING.

I could only guess it was the coat…

Even though I was so young it seemed so illogical and strange. After all it was still ME inside the coat. But they thought it was a “cool” coat because it had the logo of a local sports team on it…

I mean I didn’t even like sports!

But other kids DID like sports. And wearing something they vibed with subconsciously inspired them to treat me differently…(Hint: There’s a lesson to be had here but we’ll get into that later…)

Well when this coat thing happened it got me wondering…

“What Else Could I Change to Affect the Way
Kids Treated Me?”

I used to always wear these big googly glasses. So I wore the coat again the next day but ALSO ditched the coke-bottle lenses…

…And they treated me REALLY differently this time!

I kept on tweaking things.

I started “Studying” some of the cooler guys in my classes. “Stole” little bits and pieces of their posture for myself. And made little adjustments in the way I talked…In the back of my mind I felt kind of silly – Maybe I was just fooling myself…

But suddenly girls in my classes started going out of their way to flirt with me!

(Sounds like no big deal? I’m telling you girls had NEVER done this with me before.)

A few changes later and the most popular kids at school asked me to sit at their table during lunch one day…

A few more changes and…

…Half the cheerleading squad cornered me in the bleachers during gym class. And all but FORCED me to ask one of them on a date…

It Was Like Waking Up Inside Someone
Else’s Life!

I know this is just kid stuff here…

(And I had still had other work to do before mastering the dating game.)

But people are people are people. And even as a kid I knew I’d stumbled upon something PROFOUND.

So over the years I just kept making these silly little deliberate changes to see how people would react…And sometimes nothing happened…BUT

Every once in a while I’d hit the right note and more great things would happen to me. The strangest part?

Aside from the few tweaks I made I felt exactly the same inside!

I wasn’t a new person. And no I didn’t have to sell out to be “Cool.” It was still just me
–Little ole’ Chase Amante.

But man if you could put luck in a bottle…

I felt like I’d drunk the whole damn thing.

So in My Teens I Became OBSESSED with
Increasing My Personal Magnetism

I gobbled up books on personal power like most teenage boys gobble up baseball cards…

And studied what made people gravitate towards the most dynamic personalities in history.

I constantly sought answers on why some people were so magnetic they seemed to CAST A SPELL ON PEOPLE in their presence…And could get anything they wanted from these people…

I analyzed actors in movies and politicians on TV like some teenage boys analyzed Playboy centerfolds…(Because I knew this was the real key to getting women like that in my bed someday.)

I picked apart every line they said, every mannerism, every nuance of their personality… And I took note of all the little things between the words…That are often so hard to define.

I talked to anyone I could who seemed to have “It” – That special something most others will never have. I was just totally obsessed with the idea that all the greatest men seemed to have this very same elusive quality…

And I teˀsted every new little theory I came up with by applying it in my life just to observe

the results …

In Fact Some of the “Charisma Tricks” I Discovered Created Instant Results With Zero Practice…

Like Flipping a Switch to Turn on Charisma…

“The Charisma Secret that ‘Hacks’ the Deep
Down Hidden Desire of Every Person You Meet”

Just try this one for yourself.

See believe it or not Charisma is as practical as anything we teach in anywhere else (Once you know the best things to do)…

So to help you see Charisma is something you DO…

Rather than something you are or aren’t…

…Here’s a small tip that’ll immediately make you MORE Charismatic with anyone you’re talking to…So you can witness for yourself how these tiny techniques can influence others immediately.

This one shouldn’t take any practice.

And with this one single tip you could honestly close this page now, go out and talk to people and instantly get a boost to all your social interactions without ever reading another word I say…

(Just to warn you though – You’d miss out on a lot if you did that!)

Anyhow here’s the golden nugget:

Talking to your boss? Nope he’s NOT just
your boss…

He’s the most important, interesting,
human being in the world…

The cute girl who sits next to you on the
bus? Nah she’s not just a cute girl…

She’s the most unique, enchanting,
absorbing woman you’ve ever met…

That cool guy you keep bumping into in the
gym or out on the town?

He’s not just a guy with his shit together or
some great connections (And access to lots of cuties)…

Nah he’s the most charming, dashing, excellent dude you’ve ever met…

Treat Everyone This Way…

(I do!)

Grocery store checkout clerks…Crabby DMV workers...Bank tellers…Front office secretaries…Random people I meet on the train, at a bar or in airports…

I treat every single one like the most important human I’ve ever met…

Guess what?

When you treat people this way they go to batshit crazy for you! And go above and beyond for you.

In ways they NEVER would for anyone else…

Because everybody in their own world (In their own head)…

…ALREADY feels like the most important person in the world…

And LOVE those rare strangers who “Recognize” this about them too…Who treat them the way THEY DESERVE to be treated…

Unfortunately Most Guys Will Never Profit from This
Insanely-Effective Tip (And Here’s Why)

Most guys are too AFRAID to build up another person’s value…

They have a “Scarcity Mentality.” They think making others feel valuable makes them somehow “Less.” They think it’s weak to GIVE admiration, respect and goodwill away instead of demanding it…

Great news for US!

Because here’s a huge Charisma secret…SHHHHH

The more valuable you make others FEEL…

…The more valuable you are to THEM!

When your presence makes them feel good about THEMSELVES…

…They want to be around you…They want to include you in things…And give you things YOU value (So you’ll keep coming around to make them feel “Special”)…

Those kids who liked me more when I started looking and acting “Cooler”…?

Did it really have anything to do with ME?

Not really! It’s more about what my newfound coolness said about THEM…

And hey we’re not kids anymore…

But we still all want to feel “Cool.”

And the world’s most compelling people still do this as adults. They constantly build social value with every person they meet by presenting themselves as a valuable person…

How? By Using What I Call My Special
“Charismatic Signals”…

Here’s how these “Charismatic Signals” work.

We all send out signals to other humans CONSTANTLY. These signals push psychological buttons when we interact with others. We use these to get reactions we want from them. And we all pick one another’s signals up without even realizing it…

(Some of us are obviously much better at it all than others.)

This happens because humans are social animals!

We’re hard-wired to seek out beneficial connections and relationships on AUTOPILOT! And even though RECEIVING these signals is usually subconscious…

…You can bend “Natural law” in your favor by choosing to use them CONSCIOUSLY! And you’ll steer social situations in your favor by building up social value instantly whenever you want…

Some “Charismatic Signals” are trickier than others… But some (Like the one above) are so simple you can start using them TODAY and get results with ZERO practice.

Of course I still urge you to practice them when you can. Because with a little practice you can make these “Charismatic Signals” an intuitive part of your personality…

And learn to dominate social situations without even thinking about it (For the rest of your life)!

My “Charismatic Signals” Turn Personal Magnetism
Off and On Like a Light Switch

Allowing you to change your reality at will and draw people towards
you like a human magnet…

The signals are like invisible “Flags” you put up as you go out into the wild.

Nobody sees them coming but very few can resist the “Spell.”

Put the signals out to a woman you just met…

…Watch how it INSTANTLY transforms her behavior…Infusing her with a whole new sensuality and playful “Girlishness”

Suddenly she’s swatting your arm just to touch you and laughing for no apparent reason at all...

(Women are so much hotter when they’re all giggly and hot for you!)

Or walking into a room and all the most important people notice you because you put out the right signals. And find “Convenient” reasons to chat…Even if you’ve never met them before.

Imagine never feeling stuck in another social situation…

Because all you have to do is throw out some “Charismatic Signals” and people scurry towards you like moths to a flame…

These Potent “Charismatic Signals” Are the Closest
Thing I’ve Found to “Charisma In A Bottle”

You know those cheesy advertisements for expensive colognes…

…Where they try to convince you women will flock to you the way they do in the ads…

…Just put a little spritz of their “Miracle Potion” on your shirt and suddenly women will get hungry for the smell of you! And for your time and attention!

Hey if it were that easy…

Well here’s what I’ve realized about Charisma…

If it WERE possible to extract Charisma, put it in a bottle and spray it on your shirt…

…That’s EXACTLY what it would do for you! Because that’s how INTOXICATING the psychological effect of this unique personality trait is to beautiful women.

Well we couldn’t ACTUALLY put Charisma in a bottle (I would if I could).

Instead that’s what we decided to call our new course for helping students all over the world become the naturally-exciting men they’ve always wanted to be….

A Practical “Book of Spells” for Compelling Men And Women to Give You What You Want Everywhere You Go…

Our students have spoken...

About their desire to become like the dynamic, engaging, highly attractive personalities they see in the movies…And to work smart (NOT hard) at attracting hot females…

And we heard you!

So we launched a research team into the science of Charisma’s intoxicating effect on other people (Especially women). And we unearthed 26 of these powerful “Charismatic Signals” our students could put to use at will…

Once you possess even ONE of these “Jedi mind-tricks”…You get a HUGE advantage over 95% of other men playing the field…

But I’ll teach you more than just one…

I’ll give you all 26…!

These proven “Charismatic Signals” allow any average joe to build more Charisma fast… While keeping you from being “invisible” ever again…

It’s a personality transformation course that combines years of my own personal, obsessive Charisma refinement…

…With heaps of peer-reviewed science to demystify what gives Charismatic people their irresistible draw…

And provides you with a way to “uncork” Charisma right when you need it…As if you’re splashing on a dash of magical cologne…

Yet when you “Splash this on” it doesn’t make you smell good…

It makes you look good…Feel good…Attracts other people at a visceral level…

And makes them want to listen to you and comply with what YOU want from them…
fair warning

Charisma naturally compels men and women to give you things you want…

But remember: You still must take initiative and lead…Especially if you want women to respect you as a viable “Mate”…

Yet when you combine Charisma with initiative you become SOCIALLY UNSTOPPABLE…

The First 3 Ingredients in “Charisma in a Bottle”
Come From Our 3-Part “Charisma Triangle”

The “Charisma Triangle” is the “Secret Sauce” all “Charismatic Signals” are made of…

Because all Charismatic guys who attract and command others have 3 things in common…


They’re confident

They exude social

And they’re emotionally


Note: don’t worry if you’re none of those things, yet…

“Charisma in a Bottle” tells you exactly what to do about that!

When you start behaving in a way that’s confident, high social status AND emotionally expressive all at once…

…PLUS use one or more of the 26 “Charismatic Signals” I give you…

You INSTANTLY become a different type of man!

Here’s how we do it…

Ingredient 1 Charismatic Confidence

When people detect confidence in a man they ASSUME he’s successful…And that he knows his way through the world…

So they want to know what he knows…

And women love natural leaders so this is very attractive…

I mean of course Women LOVE confident men – Everyone knows that!

Also, when a man is confident with women she immediately senses he has access to other girls just like her…And women always want the man other women want…

Plus confidence tells a woman you know what to do with her (No awkward “Waiting for him to make a move” moments)…

Oh and other men gravitate towards confident men too.

A confident man makes a powerful ally…

Confident men are assets…Someone you can give a job who’ll get things done…Someone you can invite to your party who won’t be a wallflower…

And finally confidence increases your charisma because it makes people notice you…

Inside “Charisma In A Bottle” you’ll get my 3-step attack plan for creating “Charismatic Confidence”…Do these 3 things and you’ll know exactly how to signal confidence…

And everyone you meet will FEEL your CONFIDENCE…

(Note: Yes even if YOU don’t feel it yet – No one else will be able to tell the difference).

Ingredient 2 Charismatic Status

All humans crave status…

Because humans inherently KNOW status equals power.

So when people sense you have social status…

They immediately want to tag along (And soak some of it up)…And they want to avoid anyone with low status…

When you have high status they want to “Hitch their wagons” to you…

And when a high-status individual meets someone else with high status he thinks: “Here’s someone like me”…And feels commonality and trust with him…

When a low status individual meets someone high status he thinks: “Here’s someone it’d be good to know”

And feels the promise of opportunity surge through his body…

Inside “Charisma in a Bottle” I show you how to send high social status signals from the first time you meet someone…And how to build up IMPRESSIVE (And real!) social status by the end of the first hour with any new group you join…

You’ll get my go-to system for creating the perception of instant social status with any group or individual you meet…

And become in-demand no matter what another person’s status is…

The more in-demand you are the more people pay attention to you…And the more willing they are to do what you ask…

Ingredient 3 Charismatic Emotion

When you can communicate raw and genuine emotion (Without seeming dysfunctional or needy)…

…Other people tune in and pay attention…

For example human brains instinctively “Mimic” (For a fraction of a second) any facial expression they see…And when someone mimics your facial expression they FEEL the root emotions BEHIND that expression…

This bonds them to you in a small but significant way. By putting you “In sync” with each other and creating POWERFUL rapport!

What we do is DELIBERATELY create positive and interested feelings in other people by — You guessed it — Giving them expressions that match HOW WE WANT THEM TO FEEL…

(This is really next level stuff!)

“Charisma in a Bottle” reveals how to express the right emotions at the right times…

Which expressions are the most powerful expressions for creating Charisma? Well, one of them is “Surprise”…And I have 6 more to share with you inside “Charisma In A Bottle”

Plus I show you how to use all 7 (Surprise + the other 6) in the most effective way possible to drum up loads of Charisma in any situation…

The emotions you convey are key to crafting your “Charismatic Signals”…The stronger the emotion behind the signal the more “oomph” the signal carries…So we’ll also show you how to pack lots of the right emotions into your signals…

Even if you’re normally a pretty “mellow fellow”

With the Wisdom Inside “Charisma In A Bottle” You’ll…

  1. Use “Emotional contagion” to make other people feel whatever you want them to feel…So you can attract and arouse gorgeous women everyone else wants...While impressing men and inspiring their RESPECT…
  2. Awaken the Charisma you already have by tapping into what scientists call “The Leadership Profile”...This INFLUENTIAL trait not only turns you into a more engaging and interesting person but allows you to LEAD other people (And get the things you really want in this world)…
  3. Discover why trying too hard to be everyone’s friend hurts your Charisma and makes you look needy...Find out what attention-seeking behaviors turn others offand how you can get more people to like you by talking to them less…
  4. Create the “Follower Effect” and use it to attract, seduce, network, befriend or even build your own BAND of loyal followers…(If we taught “Cult Game” it would start with this…)
  5. Learn the power of “Expressiveness” to connect with others on a deeply emotional level…And why the best time to use this with someone is one-on-one (Before you find yourselves in the middle of any groups)…“Expressiveness” done right weaves a web no woman will ever want to escape from…
  6. Receive a list of 26 crucial “Charismatic signals”...Each of which is designed for easy use…And will lead anyone you encounter to perceive you as HIGHLY charismatic…
  7. Put your fingers on the “Social Status Roadmap” to quickly advance your rank in any group starting from the first moment they “Let you in” (This status boost raises your charisma even MORE by default)…
  8. Find out why people with “Institutional Power” (Teachers, bosses, bouncers, club presidents and others) sometimes feel threatened by Charismatic individuals (Especially men)...Plus learn what to do to get on their good sides and enlist them as ALLIES instead of dangerous enemies…
  9. Choose between “Inspirational Charisma” and “Hypnotic Charisma”...2 very different ways to use personal charm (The inspirational kind is the more ethical...BUT this hypnotic influence can be very, very powerful once you learn to use it with good intentions…)
  10. See why people don’t need to START with a “Good impression” of you – Here’s how they can instantly change their opinion once you get up close and personal (No more worrying about “Does everybody like me?”)…
  11. Learn how to be a better “Self-monitor”…This critical component to enduring charisma increases self-awareness so you always know if you’re falling back into old “Uncharismatic” ways!…
  12. Uncover the 4 “Charismatic Archetypes” and discover which is the best manifestation of your true personality. Each archetype attracts a different type of follower or female (Knowing yours allows you to streamline your social life while feeling more comfortable in your own skin)…
  13. How to give people the feeling that you’ll lead them to SUCCESS if they stick with you...And what you MUST DO if they start losing faith along the way…
  14. Unearth the hidden power of “Stigma Groups”...Bands of outsiders that have given birth to every bad boy political radical and rebel Hollywood star that’s ever captured the public’s imagination…Join the right “Stigma Group” and you’ve got ready-made followers awaiting a Charismatic leader (Yes that means you!)…
  15. Sort your followers into 5 camps…From “Indifferent” to “Fanatical”...Each camp needs a DIFFERENT type of engagement to feel connected and inspired…And with the “8 Leadership Qualities” you’ll make them all devoted followers (Tyranny, sensitivity and masculinity are 3 of the 8 and we dig into all of them in “Charisma in a Bottle”)…
  16. Find out about 3 things people do to TRY to be charismatic that almost NEVER work (One of these I call “Charisma By Proxy” and it DESTROYS the way other people see you)…
  17. Avoid “Mission Loss”...That moment when your special mission is over and your Charisma EVAPORATES if you don’t know what to do next (Follow the steps I give you and you’ll never have to deal with this again)…
  18. Learn how to show off “Exceptional Qualities”, every follower looks for in a Charismatic leader…Note: you don’t actually have to be the best in the world at something...Because the more charismatic you are the greater the “Halo Effect” around everything you do…
  19. Discover the secrets of “Visual Attention”…And the vital role this plays in Charisma when you're in front of an audience (Use this at parties, school or work meetings or any time you find yourself on a stage)…
  20. Use “Practiced Effortlessness” to increase your social power and rise in social status without even seeming to try…The effect this has on people is almost magical...
  21. Smile at the right times in the right ways…Science shows smiling men are less attractive but MORE trustworthy...Get the timing right to maximize your trustworthiness while minimizing any attraction penalty…
  22. Employ the “6 Types of Humor” to lighten moods, deflect attacks and claim the Charismatic rewards of a great sense of humor…Don’t worry if you're not very funny right now…I tell you EXACTLY how to fix that in the course as well…And it’s much easier than you’ve ever imagined…
  23. Crack open some “Us vs. them” to bring groups together and create a shared bond or mission (This effect is VERY powerful when you use it appropriately and responsibly)…
  24. Confront the greatest RISK to a charismatic leader…By knowing what to do if your group starts acting without you...With this simple strategy you’ll always stay on top of things and never end up “sidelined” by groups…
  25. Learn 3 “Charismatic Qualities” that enhance romantic and sexual ATTRACTION...One makes a woman more likely to want to have fun with you...The other 2 make the “Keepers” a lot more likely to stick around for the long term…
  26. Unpack the importance of physical attractiveness to Charisma...How much it matters, what you can do to improve yours and one thing ugly men can do to be Charismatic that actually works MUCH better for them than it does for better-looking men…
  27. Uncover the 2 types of “Waiter Talk”…And how the different types affect your Charisma on dates (Use the right type for the right girl and she’ll find you a lot more attractive)…
  28. Find out how to use “Charisma Stories” and “Charismatic Humility” to raise your Charisma and magnetize the woman you're talking to (These work whether you’re one-on-one with her or in a group)…
  29. Hear why you must avoid “Over-Exhibiting” charisma when you want to seduce a woman (I’ll show you how to use what I call the “Charisma Dial” to keep your charisma from blowing her out)….
  30. Discover 2 kinds of “Status Markers” people pay close attention to (These have a big impact on how CHARISMATIC other people think you are!)...Plus I’ll reveal 6 different markers in each category that you can focus on to raise your Charisma…
  31. Use a technique I call the “Charisma Hole” to keep you from being overwhelmed by a “Charisma Competitor” in groups…When you use the “Charisma Hole” other Charismatic men can try all they want but won’t be able to keep the group’s attention away from you…
  32. Learn how to deal with “Loud Charisma”…Yep the obnoxious kind some guys use to try to steal the spotlight away from you (I give you 2 ways to beat this guy: The “Nice Way” and the “Not-So-Nice” way…Pick the one that fits the scenario best)…
  33. See exactly how to use a “Charisma Shield” to deflect another person's attempt to assert dominance over you (Do this enough times and he'll start to look as WEAK as you look STRONG)…
  34. Harness the specific strategy to use when you’re talking to a girl one-on-one and a Charismatic guy tries to interject (He won’t stand a chance against this technique and I don’t care how charming or good-looking he is)…
  35. Find out how to pull off a “Power Grab”…An elite tool to seize leadership of the group from a “Charismatic Competitor” (This is a bit risky…HOWEVER if you follow the guidelines I give you the risk will be WELL WORTH the reward)…
  36. Employ powerful social tactics to make followers more open to your direction (As well as turn people who aren't your followers into followers)…
  37. Discover the risk factors for “Charisma Loss” (One is “Too much uncertainty or indecision”)…So you can watch out for these and AVOID them at all costs…
  38. Decide whether to focus on “Slow Build Charisma” or “Instant Charisma” (One is far longer-lasting but the other has some excellent perks too…ESPECIALLY if you like picking up girls in clubs or bars)…
  39. Learn about “Charismatic Superiors” and “Lieutenants”…And how each impacts your Charisma (Plus what to do if they’re hurting it)…

You’ll Also Get Your Hands on My
Blow-Your-Socks-Off Guide to the Complete
Bachelor Lifestyle

Charisma’s a tool to let you bring people and opportunities you want into your life.

Once you’ve got ‘em though, then what?

Well most guys want Charisma because they want to lead a certain kind of life. Take James Bond for example – His LIFESTYLE makes him as intriguing as his actual personality right? So lifestyle and personality work hand-in-hand…

Beautiful women around you at all times (Friends AND lovers)...Cool buddies and important connections...Limitless backdoors to the world’s best job opportunities...Insider knowledge on being in the right place at the right time BY DEFAULT…

Not only is this kind of life more rewarding and FUN…


How Do You Become the Most Interesting
Man in Any Room?

Having more charisma does attract these things to you NATURALLY…

…But if you put the right processes in motion to create a fascinating, more enjoyable life now…It all comes FASTER and adds to your Charisma MORE…And leaves nothing up to chance!

Let’s set your life up with interesting social, business, and romantic opportunities PURPOSELY. So no matter what happens you never have to start from scratch again.

And so you ALWAYS have options.

The way you do this is something called “Lifestyle Design.” It’s the process of the logistics of your life so fun, excitement, money and opportunities keep coming to you on autopilot.

Your job...Your social activities...The classes you take...Things you do on the weekend...They’re all a CHOICE. And when you choose correctly it all comes together like a well-oiled machine…To bring you exactly what you want over and over.

An Unbelievable Life is Possible When You Design Your Lifestyle Deliberately…

And When You Discover the Incredible Lifestyle Design Secrets Inside “Charisma in a Bottle”...

Secrets like…

  1. How a phenomenon called “Propinquity” determines whom you’ll be friends with (And even whom you’ll date and marry)...And how you can use this phenomenon to make friends and get the dates you want…
  2. Why you must AVOID lifestyles that keep you apart from women (Hint: Men without enough women around them fall into the “Investment Trap” – A place you absolutely do not want to be!)…
  3. The 4 MOST important things to look at when you choose what neighborhood to live in…Because the right neighborhood makes it simple to run into hordes of the kinds of women you want or make great new contacts...While the wrong one can make this almost impossible…
  4. What to do if there are no “Cool areas” to live in in your town (You need to know this before your next move…Because all areas are NOT created equal!)…
  5. 3 criteria that make a residence AWESOME for a single man…You must check for these every time you consider a new place to live (They make a huge difference if you plan to have an endless supply of women coming in – Or even one great woman in your life)…
  6. The “Job vs. Lifestyle Question”: If your job offers you a promotion but it’s somewhere the lifestyle sucks...Should you accept or not?
  7. The secret of “Sex Ratios”…And exactly how much impact these have on your “Single Guy Lifestyle” (PLUS what to do if you're in an area where the ratio's poorly skewed)…
  8. How to use “Expectation Violations” to break through prejudice and cause people who thought you were “Nothing like them” to decide you “Actually have a lot in common” (This is MANDATORY for every guy who likes to date and socialize outside his own culture or race)…
  9. 6 secrets that let you build and fill up your “Dating Pipeline” to bring in a perpetual stream of new women or girlfriend opportunities…This is one of the very first things every single guy should do!
  10. What features to look for in a prospective bachelor pad…PLUS what you can buy or add to your place to make it more “Bachelor-friendly” from Day One…
  11. How to build an “Urbanite Lifestyle”…Big group dinners, group nightclub forays, group ski and beach trips and more…How to find these circles and get into them or build the lifestyle from scratch…
  12. How to build a “Dive Bar Lifestyle”…It might not sound like the classiest option BUT when you hang at dive bars with groups of friends, get to know the regulars, play bar games and pick up dive bar girls on the regular life will NEVER BE BORING…How to get into the dive bar lifestyle, how to make sure you're a fit in any neighborhood pub and how to get the most out of the opportunities these casual venues create…
  13. How to build a “Traveler Lifestyle”…Be the guy who travels constantly to different places for work, weekend getaways and vacations…How to get into this lifestyle, building and maintaining relationships while in it and the secret to getting intimate with new women (Even when they know you’ll never hang around for long)…
  14. How to build the “Artist Lifestyle”…Different ways artists construct their lifestyles to make themselves stand out from Average Joes…And ways you can build this lifestyle yourself even if you only dabble with art…Use this lifestyle to meet women who are crazy for artists and other creative types…And make friends with the most interesting and well-connected people in your city…
  15. How to build the “Nightlife Industry Insider Lifestyle”…Yes become one of the “Top Dogs” in your local nightlife scene…Make it into exclusive after parties and have instant status at any venue…This is how to break in and rise through the ranks with your local nightlife elite…
  16. How to build the “Digital Nomad Lifestyle”…Set yourself up with an income that allows you to do your work on a computer in coffee shops, cafés, airports and the beach…Take a break whenever you want and make new friends or meet women…Learn what kind of jobs make this lifestyle possible, what parts of the world you can relocate to for pennies on the dollar and how to get started down this exciting life path now…
  17. How to build the “Businessman Lifestyle”…If you have a traditional job that takes up lots of time this is the lifestyle you'll need to know how to run so you can still have endless fun and never get bored…
  18. Various other “Bachelor Lifestyle Specializations” you can adopt...From hostel owner to ski instructor to tour guide…Treat life like a video game where you build your own character and make the rules!…Just pick the lifestyle YOU like best and reorient your life around it for the full set of benefits and unforgettable modern male adventures...
  19. The phenomenon of “Venue Erosion” (PLUS what to do when your favorite venues stop being good)…
  20. Places can change fast…What to do if the neighborhood you're in becomes less ideal for the lifestyle you lead (And whether it's worth moving if another neighborhood becomes your local lifestyle “Epicenter")…
  21. The “Friend Group Life Cycle”: Why it's hard to keep big groups of friends going long-term (And whether it's worth injecting new life into old groups – As well as how to bring a great group back to life if you want to)…
  22. "I keep getting older but they all stay the same age.”…What happens if you continue to date younger women as you age? Is this really a bad problem to have? If you’ve ever wanted to know if men really age like a fine wine you have to check this out…
  23. How to deal with strains on your friendships if you're dating younger women...But your buddies aren't…
  24. How to adapt to changing trends as you get older and things fall in and out of fashion (PLUS which trends you SHOULD adopt as you age – And which you should leave for those younger than you if you don’t want to become the town fool)…

But How Can You Know If the “Charisma In A Bottle”
Program Is Really for You?

Of course MOST GUYS who want more dating and sex would KILL to be more naturally Charismatic…

But no “Charisma in a Bottle” isn’t for everyone...

So let me start by telling you who this personality transformation is NOT for…

On the Other Hand There’s a Specific Type of Guy
Who’s Always Wanted a More Captivating Personality….

And all the rewards that come with it…

This type of guy is a perfect fit for the transformation made possible by the “Charismatic Signals” in this course.

So if any of the below sounds like you I recommend you sign up right now because you’re the guy this course was made for!

But How is “Charisma in a Bottle” Different From
Other Social Skills-Training Programs on the Web?

Most Courses About Dating Just Focus on the Dating Process.

“Charisma in a Bottle” Gives You A Permanent “Charisma Upgrade” to Transform the Way the World Responds to You in All Areas of Your Life!

There aren’t many social training programs out there that focus on increasing personal Charisma.

Charisma is just such an abstract “Magical” quality most people can't pin it down.

So most social skills or dating courses revolve around things that are easier to teach.

Like what to say, how to follow up, ways to think, and methods for feeling more confident.

Simple things like that.

Well we HAVE pinned it down...

With 36 Scientific Studies to Ground It in Reality!

“Charisma in a Bottle” breaks down every useful bit of scientific knowledge we could dig up on the intangible quality of charisma.

And simplifies what scientists are discovering…

…By putting it back into “human language” (With instantly applicable ideas for guys like you).

…PLUS 24 Years of Charismatic Development, Packaged for the Convenience of Guys Just Starting Out...

And of course it draws on my own decades of experience refining my own charisma (From ages 12 to 36) and teaching what I've learned to others.

I’ve been walking this journey for a long time and can show you exactly how to get there.

…To Change How People See You INSTANTLY...

Just like how I changed how people saw me overnight in 6th grade…

…You'll change the way people see YOU overnight too.

Follow the simple steps in “Charisma in a Bottle,” break out the “Charismatic Signals” and you'll start drawing people toward you IMMEDIATELY.

You'll attract women. You'll compel men. And you'll do it more easily than you ever thought was possible for a guy like you!

And just to sweeten the deal…

…If You Buy “Charisma In A Bottle” NOW You'll Also Get These

I want this to be a super “heck yes” for you…

So I’m also throwing in three FREE blockbuster bonuses to maximize your new “Charismatic Effect” on people.


What makes the past century’s most charismatic men so darn charismatic?

Get the FULL breakdown…How the big movie stars, politicians and other leaders of the world operate… Detail by detail, expression by expression…So you can capture some of the same magic these charismatic men used to write history…

How did Brad Pitt charm his way to the top of the box office? How did JFK schmooze his way into the presidency and became one of the most loved leaders of all time?

None of these men were born charismatic. They had to figure it out on their own…

(And at those levels “Charisma” isn’t something you can fake.)

Well YOU won’t have to fake ANYTHING, either.

By learning how they did it you can shortcut the process…

…And follow in their footsteps to bring some of the same magic into your own life…

Killer Charisma Bonus #2 THE ARCHETYPE HANDBOOK BONUS #2

Inside “Charisma In A Bottle” you’ll learn about the 4 “Charismatic Archetypes”:


The Hero


The Father


The Savior


The King

… Each and every one of us leans more towards one of these natural expressions of Charisma. Which one is yours?

Once you’ve figured it out how do you put this expression of your natural Charismatic tendency on overdrive?

“The Archetype Handbook” details the building blocks of all 4 “Charismatic Archetypes”…And helps you not only figure out which one fits you best…

…But choose how to maximize your specific archetype in the right way.

By developing a Charismatic style in line with your own personal archetype you get to “Personalize” your Charisma – So it becomes so natural nobody would ever know you weren’t born with it!

Killer Charisma Bonus #3 THE LIFESTYLE SELECTOR BONUS #3

Different types of Charismatic men are out there living very different lifestyles. And if you don’t plan for the life you want it’s hard to know where this journey will take you...

How do you know which Charismatic lifestyle type you want most?

Well you could try each one out and see how you like it….But that takes time – And you’d rather use that time for the actual living!

Let’s design your dream life with purpose…

Use the “Lifestyle Selector” to pinpoint a path that fits your greatest desires – Much like choosing your Avatar in a video game! Just answer a series of simple questions to narrow down the best Charismatic lifestyle for you…

Then once you’ve chosen a lifestyle you’ll receive an additional BONUS HANDBOOK that reveals how you can get into that lifestyle…

And how to maximize the opportunities it puts at your fingertips…

Okay Let’s Review What You’ll Receive When You
Place Your Order…

Charisma in a Bottle

The top-to-bottom Charisma method that compels men and women to never ignore you again…And unlocks jobs, dates, promotions and almost anything else you want from other people in your world…

(Value: $497)

Ultimate Bachelor Lifestyle Design

Your ultimate step-by-step guide to building your dream lifestyle…Filled with exactly the people and situations you want. With “Lifestyle Design” you’ll never be stuck at home alone on a Friday night or a Sunday afternoon again IF you don’t want to.

(Value: $397)

Hollywood Charisma Breakdown

Figure out how the most popular men in film and politics engineered their meteoric rises…With a nuanced breakdown of their expressions, behaviors and other “Charismatic Signals” (Once you know how they do what they do YOU can do it too).

(Value: $97)

The Archetype Handbook

Isolate your exact “Charisma Archetype” (Absolutely everybody has one)…And use your archetype to embody the kind of Charismatic individual you’ve always felt drawn to in your bones.

(Value: $49)

The Lifestyle Selector

Which lifestyle’s the one for you? It’s hard to know until you’ve lived them each…When you go through our “Lifestyle Selector” diagnostic you’ll discover your unique lifestyle preferences…So you can start building the lifestyle most ideally suited to you.

(Value: $49)

Do The Math And Everything You’ll Receive Today Adds Up to a $1089 value…

But you get it all for the unbelievable discount price of just $297.


Yes! I Want to to Unleash INTOXICATING
Natural Charisma!

You’ll Get INSTANT ACCESS To “Charisma In A
Bottle” as Soon as You Buy

The moment you click “Add To Order” we’ll process your one-click one-time payment using your method of choice.

And you’ll receive access to everything right inside your member account automatically.

No waiting for the info to trickle out…

So you’re a mere 5 seconds away from learning the “26 Charismatic Signals”

And all the other simple, practical, guided tips I’ve spent decades uncovering to max out your own Charisma…

Start using them immediately to “Get your way” with everyone you meet…

And never deal with people standing between you and what you want again…


Yes! I Want a MAGNETIC Effect
on People Everywhere!

Ready to Claim the Power to Go From “Invisible” to
“In-Demand” In Any Social Situation?

For the rest of your life there’ll be situations that involve people…Where you’ll need to influence, compel and attract…


Are YOU prepared to play it?

Because most people have no idea how to properly navigate these situations…

They just do the best they can while “Winging it”

This is YOUR moment to grab the steering wheel every social interaction.

Because Charisma is the closest thing to having magical powers in human society!

You’ll automatically get more out of EVERY social interaction, anywhere, anytime...In business, in dating, in your personal life (And just with people you meet running about your day)…

Charisma makes other people see you as interesting and capable…As someone who “Just gets it”

…And it makes them want to work with you, do things with you and go along with the things you want to do…

And as magical as it might seem from the outside looking in…

It’s a skill that CAN be learned.


Yes! I Want to to Unleash
INTOXICATING Natural Charisma!

This Is A Chance To Win BIG In Ways That Are
Completely Off Limits To Most People

Charisma introduces LIMITLESS OPTIONS in life!

Picture your dream job.

If you’re already working your dream job, picture your dream position at your dream job — The ideal promotion, raise or recognition for doing what you already love to do…

Picture what it’s like to have that job or that role or promotion.

Picture how everybody treats you. And thinks of you.

Think of the financial rewards. And all the extra freedom that brings.

Picture when you interview for it (Or ask for that raise) you’re a shoe-in from the moment you lock eyes with the decision maker…

Because You’re Qualified With Something
The Other Candidates Don’t Have…

Picture other people feeling compelled to help you, hire you and go to bat for you…

Picture yourself as you go about your life with this dream job and meeting dreamgirls EVERYDAY who behave like you’re their dream guy…

Because there’s a special something about you that draws them to you before they even meet you…

A special charisma you’ve learned and unlocked for yourself. And now use all the time to unlock doors everywhere you go…

How much is that worth to you?

Would you pay a thousand bucks for that?

I bet you would.

Would you pay a lot more than a thousand bucks for that?

I bet you would.


Yes! I Want a MAGNETIC
Effect on People Everywhere!

Or You Could Just Spend 20 Years Obsessing and
Experimenting With This Stuff Like I Did…

But let’s be honest…

If you try to learn Charisma THAT way…

…There’s still a chance you might continue stumbling through these interactions the way you always have…The way most people do…For their whole entire lives…

When you COULD just pick up the full course for a measly 297 bucks right now…

And put the world’s most powerful, detailed, step-by-step Charisma system at your complete disposal…

You can put it to work for you right away…So you always know howto “Nudge” social situations your way…

To get jobs and promotions and raises and recognition…To generate immediate attraction and easy interest from desirable members of the opposite sex…

To compel the people you want in your network to want you in theirs…

We both know what the best choice is…

Stop leaving life up to chance.

Click the “Add To Order” button below to add “Charisma In A Bottle” to your repertoire now.


Yes! I Want to to Unleash
INTOXICATING Natural Charisma!


Well one of the most surprising things we learned about Charisma in our research is you don’t learn charisma so much as develop what’s WITHIN you…

So yes in a way charisma IS something you’re born with.

…But not in the way you might think!

And even if you’re not what most people would think of as the outgoing Charismatic type…Don’t worry!

Because it turns out there are multiple “Charismatic Archetypes” (And they’re all very different). Any person you talk to is naturally drawn to one or other of the archetypes...

So while one archetype may not draw EVERYONE it will DEFINITELY draw SOMEONE…

Some people discover their archetype early on in life and develop their natural Charisma on their own.

But some of us never had a clue…

…But there’s STILL sort of an “Untapped kernel” inside of you. You’ve just never developed that unmanifested kernel or known how to express it correctly.

I’m here to tell you that developing this kernel has the potential to radically transform your life. Have you developed your own natural charisma, or have you neglected it? Most people have neglected it…

“Charisma in a Bottle” will help you change that!


Yes and no.

The advice to “Be yourself” does have a good core message behind it.

We give it a lot of flak (And it’s often hollow), but it essentially says your most effective presentation in the social world should align with your genuine personality, wants and desires.

After all you don’t want to pretend you’re someone you’re not…

Where “Be yourself” gets misinterpreted in a lazy way is people think these lazy thoughts like:

“Okay so I don’t have to challenge myself. I don’t have to develop myself at all. I don’t have to do anything that’s uncomfortable. I just have to do what I feel like doing and it’ll all work out.”

Sorry but it doesn’t work that way.

Because while you do want to be “True to yourself,” you still have to develop the skills to express those wants and communicate yourself effectively. In a way that gets a good response.

By applying these principles and developing these skills to create this persona (That yes is aligned with your actual self) but to express it in the way you want to express it…


I run the most popular men’s dating advice website for men on the Internet…Where I help men build their personas and become their most attractive selves…

I’ve had 55 million people visit my site…I’ve been interviewed by the Wall Street Journal…And I’ve been teaching guys Charisma and personality development since 2006…

From my experience 9 out of 10 guys “Get” Charisma almost right away…

Once you’re able to present a few “Charismatic Signals” consciously everybody around you starts to treat you differently…

For a handful of guys (Maybe 1 out of 10) it takes a little longer…Say a couple of weeks for these guys…For these “Hard case” guys we focus on teaching them to read social cues first…

…And once they get that they start to improve as fast as anyone else…

Charisma is so easy to use and so powerful that I really feel it’s one of the most important life skills you can learn…And the fact so few people ever try to be as Charismatic as they can be has always struck me as one of life’s little tragedies…

Wouldn’t you love to live in a world with more charismatic people?

What if your boss was charismatic?

What if your best friends were charismatic?

What if you went out to the bar, or the coffee shop, or a social event, and everyone you met was charismatic?

Wouldn’t life just be more colorful?

And you’d love to meet those people, wouldn’t you?

Well, they’ll feel the same way about you when YOU are charismatic…


To a certain extent “Faking it” when you don’t have it yet can work and is important.

(Especially when it comes to confidence.)

Look Charismatic development requires getting a little out of your “Comfort Zone.” And sometimes things you think that won’t work or aren’t “You.”

But try them out. Not just once but repeatedly.

After you’ve done something a few times you’ll discover you’re getting results and reactions from people you may not have expected. You’ll start to get EXCITED…

And as a result you’ll naturally change the way you look at those things that “Aren’t you.”

For example you want to start making more powerful eye contact. Well obviously when you first get started with our tools for doing this it’s going to feel awkward. You look at people and feel like you’re putting pressure on them. Like it’s unnecessary. Weird and awkward.


As you practice it more you become more confident with these behaviors.

It becomes fun to make eye contact with pretty girls and watch the way they respond (And this one little element alone makes some girls go absolutely CRAZY).

It feels more engaging to make eye contact with people you’re talking to.

And as you work on this aspect of your personal presentation IT BECOMES A PART OF YOU (Rather than some weird different thing that’s not a part of you).

So is that “Fake”?

Not really.

Because once you develop this unexplored skill of eye contact you’re not going to suddenly start using it in weird ways that aren’t aligned with who you are as a person and what you think is right or wrong.


You’ll manifest the skill in your own unique way that fits your personal nature and social style.

And the better you get with it the more you’ll use it in your own personal way.


Can’t you just watch people in life on TV and slowly improve your personality? Or study magnetic people around you?

How is this product different than just trying to do this on your own?

The truth is that’s exactly how a lot of people DO learn charisma.

And if you look at a lot of great movie stars or politicians at the very top it’s clear they spent A LOT of time studying charisma and developing charisma over time. They likely spent time in front of mirrors and observed other people on a regular basis.

But while most politicians and movie stars DO work on being more charismatic…

…Most don’t have that special kind of charisma a guy like Brad Pitt has…Why?

Well it’s just not all that easy to develop it on your own without a teacher. The process can be pretty hit and miss.

If you’re driven enough and socially attuned enough…

…Sure maybe you can learn it on your own. But you really have to pay close attention and have an understanding of social psychology…And it’s going to be a years-long project. There are so many moving pieces to figure out on your own.

On the other hand a course like “Charisma in a Bottle”…

…Shortcuts it all. You don’t have to spend your whole life developing this “Superpower” before you can use it. You have a process already identified, established and put to the test.

Do this. Focus on that next. Develop this next. Very simple.

With our “Charismatic Signals” you’ll see results RIGHT AWAY coming out of the gate…Even if you’re not charismatic AT ALL right now. And then after those quick wins you’ll have all the motivation and practical steps you need to continue building on your charisma.

It will still take time to develop your own personal magnetism…BUT

Since you’re not just “Winging it”…

…It’s a much more efficient process…

And you’re a lot less likely to wash out along the way like so many people do when they try to change their personality.

We’ve already done all the hard work for you.

Instead of deciphering the research and constantly trying to figure out what actually works (And what might be misleading or confusing)…Just go through the course and scoop up all these gold nuggets…

…And then go out and apply them.


Is it really realistic to buy a course to become more charismatic? Or do you need to become a little more extroverted first?

No you don’t need to be super extroverted to take advantage of Charisma.

We’ve all met those quiet, withdrawn, independent, introverted guys who really don’t put themselves out there much…

…But still have that “Something” that makes them more likable. That makes people want to be around them.

You listen to them more. You pay more attention to them more when they do talk. And they command any room they’re in (Even if they stick with quitter, more intimate spaces).

These characters show us you don’t need to be the loud outgoing guy slapping people on the back and collecting an army around you.

If you’re like me that’s just not you…

You can be a guy living his own small quiet life but still have a “Pull” to your presence. And be someone who’s harder to ignore when you decide you don’t want to be ignored.

You can be charismatic in social situations and still slip back off to the shadows and under the radar when you so choose.

This is what is really special about the different “Charisma Archetypes” we’ve discovered. If you want to be “The Prophet” and lead some religious-like movement…

…I’d try to get you to develop that particular archetype…

But that wouldn’t appeal to you if you resonate with a different Charismatic archetype.

All people have different personality configurations. We just need to figure out what yours is first…

…So we can draw it out and maximize the natural potential there below the surface.


Yes! I Want a MAGNETIC
Effect on People Everywhere!