Show me how to seduce women with my hands! When I pick up Chase Amante’s “Touch-a-Girl System” for just $67, I’ll immediately access the member area and begin digging into this powerful system for turning on and entrancing women with touch. Here’s what I’ll be receiving when I buy:
Show me how to seduce women with my hands! When I pick up Chase Amante’s “Touch-a-Girl System” for just $67, I’ll immediately access the member area and begin digging into this powerful system for turning on and entrancing women with touch. Here’s what I’ll be receiving when I buy:
I’ll receive THE touch system that shows me how & when to touch women to create comfort, attraction, and arousal. Following this system, I’ll know exactly how to make contact with women in risk-free ways from the first hello through the entire courtship all the way to the bedroom. Comes with three video lessons, transcripts, mp3 audios, and a follow-along book.
TOTAL VALUE: $147.00
Release Date: April 2, 2022
Nevil K.
I Had Each of These Five Girls in My Bed Within Minutes
Version: Touch-a-Girl System First Edition
In my pre-GC days I knew that I should be using touch but didn't know exactly why or how. In retrospect, I made a lot of beginner mistakes with touch in those days - leaving my hand on too long, looking at my hand while touching, etc. I have found the spider-walk-up arm to be the most potent technique for injecting a little more fun into the courtship when needed. Of my last five dates, I used the techniques I learned form the Touch-a-Girl system and had each of these five girls in my bed within minutes, MUCH faster than my average before using touch.
Matija Z.
I Often Go for Makeouts in the First 10 Minutes
Version: Touch-a-Girl System First Edition
I was hesitant to touch before, therefore it wasn't natural. I had trouble closing the distance, plus the timing of touch and where to touch. The Touch-a-Girl System taught me that I can touch girls pretty much at the opening. My seductions are now much more natural. I usually touch women pretty much on opening now. I often go for makeouts in the first 10 minutes if I don't care to take her home. Because of emotional contagion, I find 'bursts of passion' very effective to make a girl go from 'yellow' to 'green'. Escalation has become much easier.
Jordan O.
I Used This Stuff to Snag My Current Girlfriend
Version: Touch-a-Girl System First Edition
Before GC touching women successfully was nonexistent. When I did manage to do so it was super awkward and I would watch the girl get super uncomfortable. On my dates now I always start to touch women almost immediately. Usually I am holding her hand or have my arm around her within 30 minutes. Since I started using protective touch correctly I have watched girls "melt" into my hands. The Touch-a-Girl System showed me exactly how to start touching girls early on in the courtship and how to escalate that touch. I began putting this stuff into practice and girls loved it. I used this stuff to snag my current girlfriend who is amazing. She said one of the things she loved most about me was how I made her feel when I touched her. She has actually said I have "magic hands." I can't thank GC and the Touch-a-Girl System enough.
Moe C.
Now When I Touch a Girl It Is Much More Smooth
Version: Touch-a-Girl System First Edition
Discovered Girlschase many years ago but just now starting to implement its teachings. At first, I was completely afraid to even talk to girls, but after finding GirlsChase I did a few approaches here and there. I never touched girls though. Finally started touching after finding out how important it is but ended up creeping the girls out. Since then, after getting the touch course and reading the touch articles, which showed me what I was doing wrong, now when I touch a girl it is much more smooth.
Jon W.
Most of My Dates Now Include a Good Deal of Touches
Version: Touch-a-Girl System First Edition
Before Girls Chase I was really quite stuck in my shell and withdrawn due to trauma. I barely had any occasions to touch women. GC let the things I'd watch as a spectator outside make much more sense intellectually. Most of my dates now include a good deal of touches on arms legs and abdominal areas, and they're mostly unconsciously done and entirely well received.
Luis N.
Touching in General Feels So Much More Natural Now
Version: Touch-a-Girl System First Edition
I’m a young guy living in a foreign country where the native language is not English. Being in a non-English speaking country taught me just how important non-verbal communication can be. Before Girls Chase, one of my biggest issues with touching women was having it feel natural and normal for me. I always thought I needed some kind of grand reason in order for it to be normal.
Touch-a-Girl gave to me a roadmap to break down that barrier of touch and show me just how easy and enjoyable escalation can be. Following this course, I learned I can talk with my hands just as much as I do with my mouth. And it taught me how to fill the gaps where words just don’t won’t do the trick.
Of the last 4 women I’ve talked to, I used my hands to guide women and move them about usually within 10 minutes of talking to them. Touching in general feels so much more natural now than before.
Alexander A.
Follow the System and You Won’t Regret It 🙂
Version: Touch-a-Girl System First Edition
When it comes to touch, a lot of guys have this monumental pressure that they feel when trying to touch women. Even if they know they should be touching because touch creates tension. That tension is what a lot of guys are afraid of. It's what I was afraid of. Learning to become comfortable with that tension is a literal life-changer. At least it was for me.
Because yes, touching women creates tension which creates all kinds of warm fuzzy feelings as well as sexual chemistry. All good things. But it also helps you learn how to become comfortable with uncomfortable feelings in general which will help carry over to other parts of your life. Uncomfortable situation with your boss? Becoming used to overcoming that kind of social tension is something you will have already learned how to do. Tough talk coming up with your girlfriend? Yup, getting comfortable with that powerful pressure will help here as well!
If you can't fathom feeling up a girl on a first date with right now then just start with incidental touch and move up from there until you are comfortable with it. Follow the system and you won't regret it 🙂
Eddy K.
Now I’m Always Touching a Girl Right from the Beginning
Version: Touch-a-Girl System First Edition
Before I didn't really know how to spot if a girl is attracted to me and really had wrong ideas on how to start and or maintain a good conversation. Especially escalating was never a thing I had even thought of. Now I'm always touching a girl right from the beginning and they get comfortable right from the get-go. Going now for the kiss within a few minutes of the date and the success has been staggering. Could get better at undressing them slightly in public and sometimes closing the deal at her place when with native German girls (I'm a German). With foreign girls, we always make out and go to bed unless I screw up by not looking at all the signs. Luckily it is rare by now. Next step: get good with my country's girls 😂